Reverse pedigree of:
SP Sanders Semeteese (M) , 2007.12.31, b/o: SiAn/- , 0.00%
Sanders How did this Happen?
R1286-08, rbl, (F)
Sanders Oops I did it Again
R1284-08, rbl, (F)
SP Sanders Se Kävi Vain Kerran 2008.08.04
R1283-08, rbl, (M)
Sanders Se Oli Vahinko 2008.08.04
R1282-08, rbl, (M)
SP Sanders Sitä Ei Lasketa 2008.08.04
R1281-08, s/rbl, (M)
SP Sanders Whoopsie-Daisy
R1285-08, rbl, (M)
Sanders LOL
R95-09, s/ru bl, (M)
MP-09 DW-09 Sanders Forest Fire
R194-09, ru bl, (F)
, rbl, (F)
Zaya's Banana Chip
, rbl ag, (F)
Bet Eden 2011.05.13
0341/11, rbl ag du, (F)
Zickan's Frosty the Snowman 2011.11.14 0759/11, rsl, (M)
Zickan's Deck the Halls 2011.11.14 0758/11, rbl ag, (M)
Zickan's Peace on Earth 2011.11.14 0755/11, rbl, (M)
Zickan's O'Holy Night 2011.11.14 0756/11, rbl, (M)
Zickan's Santa Baby 2011.11.14 0757/11, rbl ag, (M)
Zickan's Little Drummer Boy 2011.11.14 0760/11, s/bl, (M)
Zickan's White Christmas 2011.11.14 0761/11, sl, (M)
Zickan's Joy to the World 2011.11.14 0762/11, rbl ag, (F)
Zickan's Christmas in Killarney 2011.11.14 0763/11, rbl ag ut, (M)
Zickan's Christmas Dreamer 2011.11.14 0764/11, rbl ag, (F)
Zickan's Winter Wonderland 2011.11.14 0765/11, s/bl, (F)
Zickan's Mistletoe 2011.11.14 0766/11, rsl, (F)
Zickan's Jingle Bells 2011.11.14 0767/11, rbl ag ut, (F)
Sanders Merrie Minsky
, rto, (M)
Zaya's Riiskryyni
, rbf, (M)
Zaya's Kissanminttu 2011.02.17
, bf x, (F)
Zaya's Kissimirri 2011.02.17
, bf x, (F)
Zaya's Kissankello 2011.02.17
, bf, (F)
Zaya's Kissanpäivät 2011.02.17
, bf x, (M)
Zaya's Kissanpoika 2011.02.17
, bf, (M)
Zaya's Kissanviikset 2011.02.17
, bf, (M)