Reverse pedigree of:
Da Vinci (M) , 0000.00.00, b/o: -/- , 0.00%, hi
, sp sm du, (M)
Trollsvansens Lancelot
E183/07, bl eubk du, (M)
GR Zickan's Citrin 2008.09.24
, bl ag du x, (F)
, bl eubk mm x, (M)
Buffalo Bill 2011.09.07, bl x, (M)
Ett Stilla Regn 2011.09.07 0641/11, bl hu ro, (M)
Hoppets Eld 2011.09.07 0647/11, ba hu ro x, (F)
Ingen Annan Än Du 2011.09.07, bl eubk du, (M)
För Kärlekens Skull 0645/11, ch eubk, (F)
Shannaras Royal Blue 2011.08.21 0526/11, bl x, (M)
Zickan's Fairfox 2008.09.24
0810/08, s-mi, (F)
Zickan's Smidig som en Flodhäst 2010.02.14
0177/10, ci x, (F)
Zickan's Kaputt 2010.12.02, ag, (M)
Zickan's Failure 2010.12.02, fa ut, (F)
Zickan's Skrotums Feona 2008.09.09
0740/08, ba eubk, (F)
Zickan's Trött?! Sömn för fan! 2010.03.31
0170/10, s/ba, (M)
Zickan's Kaputt 2010.12.02, ag, (M)
Zickan's Failure 2010.12.02, fa ut, (F)
Zickan's Snarkande Mardröm 2010.03.31
, ag eubk, (F)
Zickan's Lustgas 2011.02.12, ag x, (M)
Zickan's Drömmar om Rosa Elefanter 2010.03.31
0175/10, ag eubk mm x, (M)
BadZ's I faught Piranhas, ba eubk x, (M)
Soda's Päronsoda
2006/09, am db x, (M)
Sorklands Landi 2010.05.08 0232/10, ci db, (F)
Sorklands Viking Valiant 2010.05.08 0239/10, ag, (M)
Sorklands Canberra 2010.05.08, (M)
Sorklands Ulster Sportsman 2010.05.08, (M)
Sorklands Bison 2010.05.08, (M)
Sorklands Ibex 2010.05.08, (M)
Sorklands Pride of Kent 2010.05.08, (M)
Sorklands Vomero 2010.05.08, (M)
Sorklands Finnforest 2010.05.08, (M)
Sorklands Pride of Sandwich 2010.05.08, (F)
Sorklands Pride of Rathlin 2010.05.08, (F)
Sorklands Dana Hafnia 2010.05.08, (F)
Sorklands Smyril 2010.05.08, (F)
Sorklands Stena Cambria 2010.05.08, (F)
Zickan's Suga Berry 2008.03.31
, (M)
Zickan's Creamsicle 2008.03.31
, (M)
Zickan's Butter Shotch 2008.03.31
, (M)
Zickan's Princess Royal Blue 2008.03.31
, (F)
Zickan's Minty 2008.03.31
, (F)
Zickan's Caramell Crunch 2008.03.31
0162/08, bl eubk du, (F)
Zickan's Mint Dreams 2008.03.31
, (F)
Zickan's Pinkis Frolle Kex 2008.09.09
, ba ro du, (M)
Zickan's Frodos Frolic 2008.09.09
, cc hd du x, (F)
Zickan's Safir 2008.09.24
, bl du, (F)
Zickan's Zirkon 2008.09.24
, bl hu ro du, (M)
Zickan's Opal 2008.09.24
, p-e w du, (M)
Zickan's Pyrop 2008.09.24
, bl hu ro du, (M)
Zickan's Topaz 2008.09.24
, p-e w du, (M)
Zickan's Beryll 2008.09.24
, be du x, (M)
Zickan's Nefrit 2008.09.24
, p-e w du x, (M)
Zickan's Kunzit 2008.09.24
, bl ag du, (M)