Offspring of:
Elda's Grizzly's Sin of Sloth (M) , 2018.04.04, b/o: MdJn/- , 28.20%, mo mi slm
Sire Zephyr Seamus (M), mo mi ir du slm
Dam Zephyr's Raimy (F), 2017.08.03, ba/cc slm
Full Siblings
  1. Elda's Boar's Sin of Gluttony (M), hv ir slm
  2. Elda's Dragon's Sin of Wrath (M), hv du
  3. Elda's Fox's Sin of Greed (F), cc mo mi ir
  4. Elda's Goat's Sin of Lust (F), mo mi slm
  5. Elda's Lion's Sin of Pride (F), hv ir slm
  6. Elda's Serpent¡s Sin of Envy (F), mo mi ir slm